Search engine optimization is the process by which search engine rankings are increased for a website. There are two types of SEO's - White Hat SEO and Black Hat SEO. White Hat SEO follow the guidelines of the search engines and work accordingly whereas the Black Hat SEO do not follow the guidelines of the search engines and try to spam the results.
Here, in this article I am going to explain the top 10 White Hat SEO techniques to improve the search engine rankings. These SEO tips are discussed below:-
1- Smart on page changes-First and the foremost thing in SEO is doing proper on page changes according to the selected keywords. Changes on the meta tags are very important before any further optimization tricks are executed.
2- Directory submission- Till today,directory submissions are considered as one of the popular techniques to increase search engine positions for a website.One should always try to submit on all the available web directories only once.
3- Forum Posting-One of the oldest and the popular ways of getting a backlink is by having a link of your website on the signature of the particular forum.Most of the forums allow signatures and this is the area where you can post the URL of your website to get a backlink.
4- Blog creation- Having a blog of your website helps a lot to increase the popularity of a site. So, blog creation is really necessary but one thing which should be kept in mind is that regular blog posts should be done to tempt the visitors as well as search engine bots to visit your blog.
5- Blog submission-After creating your blog,submit it to blog submission directories to increase the backlinks of your blog,it will surely give a boost to your SEO campaign.
6- Article submission-One of the greatest ways to increase backlinks related to your niche is by submitting high quality original articles to high pr article submission sites.
7- Social Media Bookmarking-Social Media sites not only give you backlinks to increase your search engine's rankings but also they can increase your site's popularity.Social Media presence is extremely important nowadays because of the explosion of web 2.0 sites.
8- RSS Feed creation- RSS feed i.e. really simple syndication feeds are gaining popularity these days.So,create RSS feeds regularly and help your website grow.
9- RSS feed submission-Submission of your RSS feeds to various RSS feed submission sites is important to make your website presence even more important.
10- Blog commenting-Why not make use of available blogs for SEO purpose. For blog commenting it is necessary to first collect some good pr do-follow blogs related to your website.Then you have to start posting comments on it to gain backlinks,but one thing which must be remembered is that do not spam the blogs,always post proper comments after reading the post.
Thus, these were the top 10 SEO tips which can give a head start to your SEO campaign,but remember one thing do not overdo anything or else Google sandbox is not far away!
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Understanding Web Crawlers
Web crawlers are nothing but programs which helps to collect relevant information for the search engines by crawling the web.The term crawler is given to them because they crawl from one link to another across the websites and manages to fetch information. They identify themselves to a web server by using HTTP request's user agent field.We can identify which crawler visited our site by examining the web server's log (The server on which the site is hosted).
There are many crawlers in the world wide web today which continuously crawls the web and manages to get information about the various websites and helps the respective search engines to update their database.Some of the well known web crawlers are as follows:-
1- Google crawler- The Google crawler is based on C++ and Python.It is commonly known as the Google Bot.
2- Yahoo crawler- The Yahoo search crawler is also known as the 'Slurp'.It helps Yahoo to maintain its search database.
3- MSN crawler-The MSN or Bing crawler is known as MSN bot.Bing manages to get information on the web with the help of this software.
4- RBSE- This was the first published crawler for the world wide web.
5- Web RACE-This is a web crawler created in JAVA.An important feature of WebRACE is that it continuously receives new starting URL's to crawl from.
6- GRUB- It is an open source(free) crawler of the Wikia search.
7- Nutch- It is another web crawler which is written in Java and is released under Apache license.
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